Friday, November 20, 2009

Hailey & Jordyn = Me and Josh's pride and joy!


Anyone that knows Josh and I, knows that our daughters are EVERYTHING to us! They are the reason why we are here. We would do anything for them!

Hailey is our little rascal, she is the trouble maker! She is just like her Dad. She does everything you tell her not to do, and trys to be sneaky about it. She is starting to talk a lot, we just love how we can communicate with her and she actually talks back to us! She is our tall skinny princess. She definetly is into everything pretty, like make up, nail polish, hair things, and jewelry. We wouldn't want her any way else then who she is now!

Jordyn is 100% Mama's girl! If I am not in her sight she will freak out! She definetly looks like me. She has just discovered her toes, and loves to eat them! She is also just starting to sit up on her own, though she still is a little wobbly. She loves anything she can grab and put in her mouth. She is my angel!

1 comment:

  1. first of all....i love love LOVE that pic of you four!!! IT is soooo dang cute!!! :) your girls are so goregous! you have such a cute sweet family!!! :)
